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Artistic Interpretations of Astrological Charts
with Individual Movement sessions
Feeling a bit confused lately, lacking your inner compass?
In a need of a deeper insight of who you really are?
Want to express your archetypal energies through movement & dance?
In these individual sessions I integrate the knowledge of archetypes, astrology and movement.
I will facilitate space & time for you to find your own personal archetypes and connect them with your astrological natal chart. I will offer astrological interpretation through the eyes of an artist.
Throughout this process, we will creatively translate your chart into artistic expression through movement and dance.

Look within.
Within is the fountain of good,
and it will ever bubble up,
if thou wilt ever dig.
Marcus Aurelius
This interpretation will give you
deeper insight into your current problems and will illuminate your gifts and talents.
You will look on events and relationships in your life with refreshed eyes
You will understand better
why you have blockages in certain fields of life and which fields need greater investment of energy and attention in coming months.
With my support your perspectives will possibly change and you might discover new and inventive solutions to current problems.
You will get holistic report on your
life potentials and obstacles
that prevent you from expanding further as well as you will get familiar with your prevailing archetype (myth) that is manifesting at the moment.
By movement sessions you will
internalize and embody written information (behavioral characteristics, talking and moving habits..) and I will provide you with different solutions to change repeating patterns
Through improvisational movement and meditative dance tasks
you will improve diversity of organic movement paths in your body,
which will result in greater understanding of psychological process through direct embodied experience
You will balance and harmonize your body, mind and spirit
I can provide a
(PDF document via email).
I can interpret your chart at
ONE-to-ONE meeting in a DANCE studio.
We talk, we move, we play and create your life story!
These sessions are for all people of all ages, from 18 up to 100, specially if you are in a transition period in life. Dance background is not needed. The only thing you need is openness, curiosity, willingness to move in space and time and courage to dig a little bit into your inner landscapes.
For interpretations I use knowledge of western astrology & archetypes
with rich knowledge of
dance, movement and meditation practices
combined with
playfulness of your personal body language & movement habits!
Working with my student from india Rhea Naomi on her personal archetypal wheel through movement and dance. This is how she embodied rebel archetype. We decided to break and reconstruct the structure of classical Indian Bharatnatyam dance. I asked her to first dance a classical form and then to dance from within, from her inner dance, but still keeping the main elements of structure. This is how positive manifestation of rebel functions. He’ s breaking the pattern, routine, system...but only to the degree of rejecting something which is no longer needed for his inner development. Not with the intention to destroy or to foolishly just fight against for no reason. Rebel is enlightening us, because he creates space for authentic,free self- expression and growth.
Here is how she embodied her Pluto in Scorpio, her reserved, but yet powerful and intensive masculine energy combined with her Knight archetype. We can sense loyalty, romance and protective features in her movements. The Knight is always fighting for a cause, with honor and in order to protect someone, something( symbolically a princess). So what is your princess, what do you protect in your life with honor?
In fact, I am very impressed how you analyze my character, way of thinking, doing business and all my life in the astro interpretation. When I read the interpretation, I meet myself again and again... Yes this is exactly me and to face up with me in such a charming, very well defined summary, is a great value for me to describe and transform my energy within this conciousness. We sometimes feel lost in the daily life and your interpretation remind me who am I. I just close my eyes, realize that I'm in present feeling myself in the light of your interpretation.
Thank you Sandra..
It was very good to remind and feel your interpretation..
Selen Ozkan - Artistic Director of Danscentrum, Istanbul, Istanbul 2014
"After 20 years of focus in martial arts my body started to demand something different and the path brought me to the Archetype Embodyment workshop where I was enabled for the first time to listen to myself and start journey inward. Thanks to Sandra's guidance and warmheartedness I had an amazing experience in beautiful Slovenian countryside. Looking forward to continue woking with Archetypes and dance my head off. Thank you Sandra and all lovely participants!"
- Saša Dokiai, Aikido Ljubljana
"Hvala, Sandra! Zelo prijetni občutki in nasmehi ob gledanju fotk :) Arhetipi so dejansko oživeli skozi naše gibanje! Vau! In hvala za zanimive interpretacije! Zame to vse drži. V 5. hiši sem imela 2 arhetipa: zdravilca in osvobojevalca, ki mi itak spadata skupaj. Plesala sem pa osvobojevalca. En pacient mi je enkrat rekel, da jaz ne zdravim, temveč osvobajam. ;)"
- Rosanda Meško, Magdala - holistično zdravljenje
I recommend an archetypal astrological analysis to anyone who finds himself in a situation that is unpleasant and does not know how to cope with it. In the certain period of life, I have experienced a number of difficult situations. I didn’t understand their meaning and I did not know how to handle it. Then, I turned to Sandra. Her excellent interpretation clarified certain areas of my life, that I didn’t pay much attention before. I began to understand the situation that was happening to me and everything became much easier. I started to work on areas that helped me in my personal growth and made my life happy.
Mateja Štempelj, direktorica in ustanoviteljica podjetja Menodea, Slovenia, 2018
The versatility of Sandra´s work create unique qualities, which allowed me dive deeper into the essence. The mediums and the way of combining them help open new dimension. it was a very unique and gentle guidance into the self-understanding process.
Alexey Dmitrenko, professional dancer Bali, 2018
On my journey of self-discovery I've reconnected with my passion - dance. And walking this path it led me to Sandra. I was able to gain a deeper insight of myself through discovering my own archetypes and their place in my astrological natal chart. And when we connected all of this knowledge with movement something clicked inside me - I opened up, I let go, I let my inner guards down. Sometimes it was a challenge, but with Sandra's support and guidance every obstacle seemed to diminish. With each session I felt more connected to myself, more open and more alive.
Sandra, I love your energy. Thank you for dancing a part of my path with me! :-)
Saša from Slovenia, 2017
Sandra's astro-reading was very insightful, outlining both my resources, strengths and weaknesses and giving me tips on how to overcome the hardships and obstacles in my life path as well as pointing out who will support me in this respect. This has helped me try to channel and focus my efforts into the areas which I needed to work on and I feel I am currently closer to reaching my development plans and goals.
Alexandra Foo See - employed at Mediafax - a news and photography service, Bali 2016
Sandra did a very good job in preparing me for the challenges of the year 2016 with her astro charts interpretation in the surroundings of the incredible beautiful nature of Bali. As she had predicted my main focus this year is really very much on my professional development. Very helpful was her advise to accept that my most creative moments strike me like flashes and I always should be prepared with paper and pen to document thoughts and ideas coming up in such moments…
Thanks so much Sandra for your empathetic consultation
Julia, Bali 2016
With Sandra, dance became less about an impressive performance for approval and accolades and more about drawing out creative, expressive and emotional movements from a deep dark well within myself. The intention was to tap deep into my own source and bring out as many characters I play everyday without consciously recognizing it. So we worked with the 12 sun signs and 12 related archetypes. I danced in trance like movements as I journeyed through various archetypes- •as a vampire- sucking out all energy from the surroundings to sustain. •as a rebel- breaking the stereotype not to disgrace it but to admit only those elements that served my need. •as a hermit- in need for isolation and withdrawal from society. •as a knight - battling fiercely to rescue and protect the princess within. •as a seductress - seducing and attracting lifeless objects in the most non sexual manner. •as a child (child magical) - forever awestruck by the myriad of sights,sounds, smells and tastes around it. Each cell bursting with life, star gazing bathing in glitter in all it's innocence and just being blissfully joyful about anything and everything. I danced my heart out, everything flowing out naturally and organically. Then came the card "The Lover" and I was asked to describe myself as a person in love. I went on and on, effortlessly, with how much I have loved or can love another person without holding back, with all the burning intensity, with all my strength- every nerve and sinew. Once I was finished with my little speech, with a warm smile she said, "okay then, take a good look at yourself and love yourself like you just described loving another. Then dance." I began looking at myself, very very closely. And that moment I felt the most vulnerable. I could see everything I hated about myself that I kept locked and hidden for years. Each scar and bruise I looked at and felt with my fingers turned into sinister grins from those same old dark inner demons. They were grinning at me - "hey there, you're back. Remember us? Remember what we did when you thought no one was looking, when no one was around?" I was fixated on my faults and I froze. I couldn't dance. I didn't know how to. It was as though I had never danced before, all my life. I just stood there, staring at the floor, crying bitterly. It was chaotic. It was turbulent. But it ended with making love to and making peace with those demons. We worked for 2 hours a day for almost a week. It was fun, terrifying,at times frustrating but overall exhilarating. I started out feeling like an empty desert land- barren and parched; but finished off feeling full of resources as though I had found a hidden magical spring that always overflowed with water serving a multitude of purposes and existences - a reason for thriving life.
Rhea Naomi Aranha, professional dancer and engineer, Bali 2018
Najpomembnejši doprinos programa ARHETIPSKO KOLO v mojem življenju je večje zavedanje delov svoje osebnosti, lažje prepoznavanje svojih vzorcev. Všeč mi je domišljijska, mitološka dimenzija dojemanja svojega notranjega sveta, ki se mi je odprla ob sodelovanju v tem programu. Predvsem se mi zdi, da mi je proces programa pomagal pri ozaveščanju lastnih potencialov in blokad ter kot orodje za opolnomočenje. Program ustvarjanja arhetipskega kolesa je poseben, ker z dodatkom doživljanja arhetipov skozi telo s plesom ponuja večjo poglobljenost in ponuja večjo širino. Program je poseben tudi zato, ker je potrebno vložiti veliko svoje energije, ni le pasivno prejemanje, ampak se te lažje dotakne in se zasidra vate.
Najtežji moment v procesu?
Najtežje mi je bilo intenzivno “brskanje” po sebi in svojih spominih, saj me je to pretirano potegnilo nazaj v um, katerega se ravno v zadnjem času učim umakniti na stran in dajati prednost intuiciji in telesu. Prav tako je proces zahteval veliko časa in samodiscipline, kar je bilo včasih težko doseči.
AHA momenti - trenutki razodetja ali posebnih uvidov, novih spoznanj?
Največ takih momentov sem doživljala izven konkretnega dela s programom, med vsakdanjimi opravili in v odnosih z drugimi. V določenih trenutkih sem se zavedela, da gledam na svet skozi drugačna, arhetipska očala. Obnašanje določenega človeka sem npr. kar naenkrat zagledala skozi katerega izmed arhetipov ali pa še bolje prepoznala delovanje arhetipa v sebi. Razširile so se mi možnosti izražanja – nekomu sem npr. rekla, da ima moj notranji otrok rad njegovega notranjega otroka in se začudila nad širino, ki sem jo s tem pridobila.
Kakšna je največja korist tega procesa zate?
Spoznala sem novo dimenzijo dojemanja svojega notranjega sveta. Prvič sem se sistematsko lotila raziskovanja svojih osebnostnih lastnosti in zelo koristno se mi zdi, da imam zdaj nekakšen zemljevid, na katerega se lahko obrnem v trenutkih, ko potrebujem orientacijo. V glavnem se mi zdi, da se največja vrednost tvojega programa skriva v kombinaciji s plesom, ko zares doživiš arhetipe. Na tak način se te vse skupaj bolj dotakne in postane še bolj osebno, unikatno in tudi lažje ponotranjiš, si bolj zapomniš kot, če je le v glavi in na papirju.
Nana Žargi, dizajnerka 2019

Some people drink from the fountain of knowledge, others just gargle.
Robert Anthony
currently a student of Sacred Contracts Online - Certificate Program for Archetypal Consultant - with Caroline Myss
BA University of Ljubljana - Faculty for Social Sciences - New Religious Movements /
Topic: Astrology in Contemporary Western World, mentor: dr. Aleš Črnič
workshop of Tibetan Magic Astrology with astrologer Asta Gaia
several years of self - education
4 months collaboration with Brazilian astrologer, choreographer and dancer Hugo Leonardo Silva,
in which we created performance Dancing Myths based on a process of embodiment of archetypes & astrology
practical knowledge: interpretation of Natal and Solar Charts - more then 16 people from different walks of life
Photo by Jacob Dyer

Natal Chart Interpretation
SINGLE SKYPE session (1h) / €65
Natal Chart & Solar Return Chart Interpretation
individual SKYPE session (2h) / €105
Archetypes in Motion (50h program with movement sessions)* description below
monthly rate €245,00
3 months in advance €661,00
6 months in advance €1.250,00
1 year in advance €1.960,00
**single sessions can be tailored according to your needs
Acknowledging your 12 personal archetypes
EMBODIMENT OF ARCHETYPES : CHILD AND NEGOTIATOR - journey to inner sovereign and lover
EMBODIMENT OF ARCHETYPES : VICTIM AND SABOTEUR - journey to inner warrior and magician
optional : Embodiment of Gods and Godesses
optional : Embodiment of POWER ANIMALS
**single sessions can be tailored according to your needs
Archetypes are universal behavior pattern. And once we recognize them, they can be a perfect tool for self - exploration, research of body-mind-spirit connection and spiritual development. By bringing them into your awareness, you can transform your life patterns. Archetypes are general symbols, that can't be seen in direct forms, but we can get access to them through art, mythology, religion, dreams and creative activity. Jung had an opinion that the most authentic part of human personality, its core and content can be understood only intuitively and through symbols.
Astrology is complex.
Some people view it as a pseudo - science, some experience it as worthless “fortune telling”.
But there is always a bit of curiosity & mysticism present, when we open up this subject, cause there might be some fundamental truth expressed through this almost forgotten wisdom.
The truth is, that astrology is somewhere “in between”.
In liminal space.
Between science and magic.
Like dance.
It is not only sport and it is not only art.
It is somewhere “in between”.
Dealing with concrete physical body and its limitations and at the same time dealing with profound, subtle and poetical realms of mind and imagination.
Also astrology is dealing with concrete, physical “objects”.
These are planets, their movement in space through zodiac (signs & degrees),
their relations (aspects) and positions in so-called houses.
Do you want to cultivate a bit different perception and go beyond the judgmental intellectual view of the world?
Are you curious to dive into the myths and create symbolical story about your life through perspective of astrology and archetypes ?
Do you wish to learn something new about yourself through a bit unusual conversation and put this knowledge into dynamic expression through movement?
I like astrology, because it is such an old wisdom, so mysterious, so endless in variations of interpretations of reality.
If you take it as a game and story, your prejudices might vanish and you will give it a try.