If we want to live our lives with greater awareness, we need to start changing our habits. Not only by treating our bodies differently, but also by changing our most fundamental every day habits, such as the way how we choose and wear our dresses and where we buy them.
As allready our famous slovenian raper NToko suggests in one of his songs....
We need to become masters of our thoughts!
Here is one wonderfull way of doing it.
URŠA ŠTRUKELJ is a FASHION DESIGNER that RE-CYCLES & RE-USES allready worn fabric and creates extremely unique and innovative clothing.
"Pieces of clothing from everywhere
can find new owners if only they happen
to be at the right place at the right time.
With a bit of humour even the most shabby,
ugly, distasteful clothing can be transformed
into an inspiring and attractive piece.
In this manner we can preserve our heritage,
save quality dyes, revive interesting vintage cuts
or have fun while engaged in our own creative process."
Urša Štrukelj
I have been recently travelling to France...Its full of second hand shops, exchange markets with old fabrics, eco- recycled clothing, small boutiques...
Dear women, I guess you are aware of the fact that many of big corporations exploit little children to sew your clothes for very little payment.
You can make a change and start supporting small boutiques - like DILIGHT.SI, where old fabric is re-used and innovatively used in fashinable manner.