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is an artistic project, a playground for various artistic expressions to coexist in same time and space. It is improvised exploration of connections and empty space at the same time. Inspired by Japanese concept Ma - understood as a gap between two women. A consciousness of a space and simultaneous awareness of form and non-form deriving from an intensification of vision taking place in their imagination.
Research of possible body contact and connections between two women. Looking for empty spaces in between their relation.
Floating in poetic vocabulary and dancing the songs of paradise.
Bringing intimacy to the fore.
Embracing the sounds of birds, cats, horses and a car passing by.
Digesting Poetic Mysticism.
Looking for spaces, for liquidity, moment, improvisation, fall, waiting, silence.
Expression of inner impressions.
Ambiental flow.
Being between lightness and darkness.
How does sand change my dancing?
In a state of becoming an interactive installation with elements of VJ-ing, light design, dance jam session and a live concert.
Urška Štrukelj
interdisciplinary artist, graduated in a field of aesthetics - Artaud's theater and film. In parallel she also attended studies of dance through visiting various workshops. In 2004, she co-created movement and circus group Trupa Aduta ( Through oil paintings she represented herself in several Ex - tempore in Slovenia, where she also receives prizes.Through experimentation in a unique design, she created a brand Dilight and cofounded Smetumet (ška-štrukelj.html)
Medtem ko se vsi na tem svetu ženejo, da bi nekam prišli in postali nekdo, samo da bi lahko vse pustili za seboj ob smrti, je tvoj cilj vrhovna faza ničnosti. Živi to življenje tako lahko in prazno kakor številka nič. Nič drugačni nismo od lonca. Ne držijo nas pokonci okraski zunaj, ampak praznina znotraj. Tako pač je, naprej nas ne poganja tisto, kar si prizadevamo doseči, ampak zavest o ničnosti. Elif Shafak, 40 pravil ljubezni
ZeroIdentity Screenings
in frame of
Presence is happening. It is also an exhibition, concert, video, dance and theater, improvisation and games, dinner, entertainment, Jam session ...
If you're not here, you are not present!
Happening is a performance, event or situation and it is considered an art, usually in a field of Performing Arts. Happening is an event with multi-disciplinary, non-linear narrative and the active participation of the audience. Key elements of happening are planned, but artists and participants retain space for improvisation. This aspect of happening, eliminates the boundaries between the artwork and its viewers.
Location: Studio Vižmarje; Plemljeva Street 8 - Ljubljana
Admission: € 5 at the scene.
Come in comfortable clothing because it will also danced and entertained!
Bring a drink. If each bring something, it will be enough for everyone.
For food we take care of.
Goran Bogdanovski
Iva Tratnik
Sandra Anais and Ursa Štrukelj
(video dance and poetry)
Inti Šraj, Manca Dorrer, Katja Kordiš, Tina Koščak, Tea Vidmar, Priya Balan, Manca Kaliman, Janes Moličnik, Jakob Ogrin, Saso Rutar ... (dance)
Boris Magdalenc
(hang, didgeredoo ...)
Positive illusion:
Tea Vidmar (vocals and dance), Peter Ciuha (color kaviature), Vid Polončič Ruperčič (flute, guitar ...), Le Jaguar Auxgriffes d'Or (the horn, flute, guitar, drums ...)
Cristian Herrera (chef) of the kitchen...
Katja Jenčič (assistant chef)
Maja Modrijan (props)
Anze Kreč (technical assistance)
@Proofreading by Maja Lovrenov