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You have a stupendous energy, which I admire immensely.
Your classes have made me feel more confident about myself and I feel like I have discovered something new about myself.
Akanksha Dev - Attakkalari student, artist - India (Bangalore)
Hey Sandra, you are a very good teacher.
I could actually feel my soul when I am dancing in your class.
Srihitha - Attakkalari student, artist - India (Bangalore)
"Aspekt delavnice, ki ga lahko povežem z vsakdanjim življenjem je sam ples, ko sem moral v zadnji interpretaciji delati 3 stvari nasprotno kot sem jih prej. Spomnil sem se spet pomena prostornine v telesu, dihanja, ... iz delavnic sodobnega plesa. To me je precej razveselilo a tudi razžalostilo, da sem na to pozabil.Dobil sem tudi nov uvid, da sta Sonce in "true node" (Severni vozel) indikatorja življenjskega poslanstva.Všeč mi je, da si močna in brezkompromisna voditeljica. Skupina pod tvojim vodstvom je varna in tudi jaz se počutim varnega v njej. Pogrešal nisem ničesar."
Matevž Markovič, software development engineer
"Sem predvsem užival. Sam ples me pelje preko razuma in to me hrani in radosti.Težko rečem da sem kaj pogrešal, bilo je kratko in plesa sem si želel več. Kar mi je trenutno najbolj fajn, so plesni momenti, ki spominjajo na borbo, na premagovanje, na podporo, na odnos med ljudmi, stik, včasih ljubeč, erotičen, včasih grob....... mešanica plesa in borbe."
Uroš Oštir, graditelj
The versatility of Sandra´s work create unique qualities, which allowed me dive deeper into the essence. The mediums and the way of combining them help open new dimension. it was a very unique and gentle guidance into the self-understanding process.
Alexey Dmitrenko, professional dancer - Russia
The qualities I noticed in you are calmness & patience.
Attakkalari student - India (Bangalore)
"After 20 years of focus in martial arts my body started to demand something different and the path brought me to the Archetype Embodyment workshop where I was enabled for the first time to listen to myself and start journey inward. Thanks to Sandra's guidance and warmheartedness I had an amazing experience in beautiful Slovenian countryside. Looking forward to continue woking with Archetypes and dance my head off. Thank you Sandra and all lovely participants!"
- Saša Dokiai, Aikido Ljubljana
Pelvic floor, off balance technique and couple other were new concepts and I loved the details with which you inroduced them to us, so precise and clear.
Attakkalari student - India (Bangalore)
You have a very unique style of teaching contemporary in a way that we engage our core and at the same time relax and feel our body.
Attakkalari student - India (Bangalore
Dear Sandra, I acknowledge you to be an inspiration to me , my practice and my life. In your classes, in your lessons, you guided me back to the core of Dance, Love and Beauty of movement. Thank you for being a power to re- awaken. A rebirth. I love you, I love life!
James Mweu - Kenia - student in Tenerife (Spain)
The technique & pilates really helped me understanding my body & discovering new things about myself. Improvisation was the best. I felt so open and so vulnerable, yet I overcame almost all my fears of trying new things and pushing limits.
Attakkalari student - India (Bangalore)
You have influenced my approach to movement. There is so much space to just be me in yourr class. Most other teachers expect particular attitudes and expressions, but I only feel free to be me with you. They way you take us through exploring contemporary has just the right balance between direction and freedom.
Attakkalari student - India (Bangalore)
Your innovative ideas really marvelled me. Thank you.
Vasundhara - Attakkalari student - India (Bangalore)
Hi Sandra, I'm in Goa, doing a two weeks training in CI. It's awesome, but honestly I think about you and Goran a lot! You guys are amazing facilitators! I miss the playfulness and unconditional love. Thanks again for these beautiful dance moments we had and I wish we have a thousand more!!
Eeva Lou - Manu - Bali
With Sandra, dance became less about an impressive performance for approval and accolades and more about drawing out creative, expressive and emotional movements from a deep dark well within myself. The intention was to tap deep into my own source and bring out as many characters I play everyday without consciously recognizing it. So we worked with the 12 sun signs and 12 related archetypes. I danced in trance like movements as I journeyed through various archetypes- •as a vampire- sucking out all energy from the surroundings to sustain. •as a rebel- breaking the stereotype not to disgrace it but to admit only those elements that served my need. •as a hermit- in need for isolation and withdrawal from society. •as a knight - battling fiercely to rescue and protect the princess within. •as a seductress - seducing and attracting lifeless objects in the most non sexual manner. •as a child (child magical) - forever awestruck by the myriad of sights,sounds, smells and tastes around it. Each cell bursting with life, star gazing bathing in glitter in all it's innocence and just being blissfully joyful about anything and everything. I danced my heart out, everything flowing out naturally and organically. Then came the card "The Lover" and I was asked to describe myself as a person in love. I went on and on, effortlessly, with how much I have loved or can love another person without holding back, with all the burning intensity, with all my strength- every nerve and sinew. Once I was finished with my little speech, with a warm smile she said, "okay then, take a good look at yourself and love yourself like you just described loving another. Then dance." I began looking at myself, very very closely. And that moment I felt the most vulnerable. I could see everything I hated about myself that I kept locked and hidden for years. Each scar and bruise I looked at and felt with my fingers turned into sinister grins from those same old dark inner demons. They were grinning at me - "hey there, you're back. Remember us? Remember what we did when you thought no one was looking, when no one was around?" I was fixated on my faults and I froze. I couldn't dance. I didn't know how to. It was as though I had never danced before, all my life. I just stood there, staring at the floor, crying bitterly. It was chaotic. It was turbulent. But it ended with making love to and making peace with those demons. We worked for 2 hours a day for almost a week. It was fun, terrifying,at times frustrating but overall exhilarating. I started out feeling like an empty desert land- barren and parched; but finished off feeling full of resources as though I had found a hidden magical spring that always overflowed with water serving a multitude of purposes and existences - a reason for thriving life.
Rhea Naomi Aranha
I was not fully present all the time, not necessarily in a peak with my imagination and ability to share it. However, in the end, I learned a lot. For me personally it turned out to be a great gift. Especially the last few days, twisting my ancle, having the experiences in the little village, my perspective changed. I re-remembered my love for dancing. I re-experienced the moment. Coming back to Copenhagen, I have been thinking a lot about how we structure our lives, what makes sense and not. I also came back to a Copenhagen with a newly elected blue blue government. Neo-liberalism is taking over, even here in Scandinavia. It makes me question very basic things, and in a way it is confusing. What is the point if there is not the will to share/support? And many other questions and reflections, to go into them would make the e-mail many pages long. However, my point was that I believe very much that our society has a need for people like you who work hard to bring things back to basics and share that. Thank you for that.
Hilde Ingeborg Sandvold - Norway
I recommend an archetypal astrological analysis to anyone who finds himself in a situation that is unpleasant and does not know how to cope with it. In the certain period of life, I have experienced a number of difficult situations. I didn’t understand their meaning and I did not know how to handle it. Then, I turned to Sandra. Her excellent interpretation clarified certain areas of my life, that I didn’t pay much attention before. I began to understand the situation that was happening to me and everything became much easier. I started to work on areas that helped me in my personal growth and made my life happy.
Mateja Štempelj
"Hvala, Sandra! Zelo prijetni občutki in nasmehi ob gledanju fotk :) Arhetipi so dejansko oživeli skozi naše gibanje! Vau! In hvala za zanimive interpretacije! Zame to vse drži. V 5. hiši sem imela 2 arhetipa: zdravilca in osvobojevalca, ki mi itak spadata skupaj. Plesala sem pa osvobojevalca. En pacient mi je enkrat rekel, da jaz ne zdravim, temveč osvobajam. ;)"
- Rosanda Meško, Magdala - holistično zdravljenje